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Article discusses the ineffectiveness of and events relating to the Sex Offenders Registration Act and the Minnesota Sex Offender Program.

The writer shares experiences detainees have had of being harmed by staff without effective grievance procedures. Details about racist and homophobic comments from staff and a lack of dental care and religious and disability accommodations areā€¦

TDF rules for summer and winter care packages with a handwritten note from Greg.

Correspondence between Equip for Equality, TDF and Greg regarding his medical care.

Formal complaint against IDHS-TDF and Liberty Healthcare staff.
Greg describes being moved out of their cell and unit without explanation and placed in units with cellmates that Greg felt to be unsafe.

Greg gives a follow-up to previous conversation, describing the nature of an investigation that was cited as the reason for removing Greg from their cell and subsequent retaliation. This letter also includes requests to a lawyer.

Grievances include medication dispensing methods, verbal abuse from staff, and lack of response from previous grievances.

Greg updates penpal on court cases, medical grievances, cellmate grievances, and Covid inside Rushville. Attached are letters to IDHS Secretary, Grace B. Hou regarding worsened treatment inside Rushville during Covid.

Matt describes experiencing medical neglect, being served known food allergens, and a lack of access to outdoors, as well as witnessing staff verbally abuse other residents.

Letter explains how cash vs the "points" system works in Rushville. Included are order forms for clothing, toiletries, food and other small items.
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