Browse Items (90 total)

Articles cover topics including vague civil commitment laws, lengthy sentences, a lack of pathways to rehabilitation and poor food quality. Mailed by Michael with annotations.

Anonymous letter describing mistreatment related to transgender identity with attached article about another incarcerated woman, Strawberry.

Two versions of a list of deceased residents between 2000 and 2019. The first includes 56 typed names and an additional 18 handwritten, totaling 74 persons. The second includes 63 typed names and an additional 9 handwritten, totaling 72 persons. A…

Pamphlet created by Rushville resident(s) describing the strategies Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) maintains power over them.

Anonymous letter describing mistreatment and indefinite sentencing with attached article and handwritten list of deceased residents between 2000 and 2019.

Anonymous letter regarding Rushville staff arrested for sex offences. Attached are articles about two such staff members, forms regarding a confiscated flash drive, and a hand drawn diagram of unsafe bunk bed conditions.

Additional answers to the civil commitment working group's survey. Describes Rushville as an environment where staff are negligent, residents are encouraged to lie during treatment and opportunities for growth are extremely limited.

Article discusses the ineffectiveness of and events relating to the Sex Offenders Registration Act and the Minnesota Sex Offender Program.

Prison Legal News article. Covers recidivism myths, longevity of sentences and the flawed nature of the treatment offered. Mailed by Michael.

Prison Legal News article. Includes accounts from incarcerated persons in Illinois about tactical teams abuses. Mailed by Michael.
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