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  • Tags: staff abuse

Grievances include medication dispensing methods, verbal abuse from staff, and lack of response from previous grievances.

Greg updates penpal on court cases, medical grievances, cellmate grievances, and Covid inside Rushville. Attached are letters to IDHS Secretary, Grace B. Hou regarding worsened treatment inside Rushville during Covid.

Matt describes experiencing medical neglect, being served known food allergens, and a lack of access to outdoors, as well as witnessing staff verbally abuse other residents.

Additional answers to the civil commitment working group's survey. Describes Rushville as an environment where staff are negligent, residents are encouraged to lie during treatment and opportunities for growth are extremely limited.

Michael requests assistance filing a case against staff members for abuse and assault.

Samantha shares rules about approved property for transgender ("gender dysphoric") residents and contrasts it with her experience of staff berating her and threatening to take her feminine clothes.

Shares the news that a Rushville resident won a case against a staff person's harassment which included withholding medical supplies, ableist derision and retaliation for filing grievances.

The writer shares experiences detainees have had of being harmed by staff without effective grievance procedures. Details about racist and homophobic comments from staff and a lack of dental care and religious and disability accomodations areā€¦

Focuses on grievances about staff behavior, unhealthy food options and improper dispensation of mental health medications.

Points to cases against Gregg Scott as evidence of his performance as program director. Accompanied by an edited cartoon depicting him working inside a trash can.
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