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  • Tags: advocacy - external

Article discusses the ineffectiveness of and events relating to the Sex Offenders Registration Act and the Minnesota Sex Offender Program.

Correspondence between Equip for Equality, TDF and Greg regarding his medical care.

Advocating for a person inside Rushville, Tom expresses belief that the civil commitment system, including the courts and parole, is designed to keep people detained indefinitely.

Letters of recommendation for James which indicate the belief that he is rehabilitated. Also included are a resume and documents relating to James' entrepreneurial endeavors along with 2 pages from CURE-SORT Vol 27, Issue 1.

Articles cover constitutionality of sexually violent predator laws, sentence lengths, inadequate reentry services, housing restrictions and a Rushville staff member arrested for a sex offence. Mailed by Michael with annotations.

Articles cover topics including vague civil commitment laws, lengthy sentences, a lack of pathways to rehabilitation and poor food quality. Mailed by Michael with annotations.

WBEZ and PBS Frontline article. Focuses on the case of Terry Allen. Annotation from incarcerated person requests sharing the article with others.
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