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Additional answers to the civil commitment working group's survey. Describes Rushville as an environment where staff are negligent, residents are encouraged to lie during treatment and opportunities for growth are extremely limited.

Carlos writes that civil commitment wasn't part of his plea deal. He feels that the only way out "is in a body bag."

Advocating for a person inside Rushville, Tom expresses belief that the civil commitment system, including the courts and parole, is designed to keep people detained indefinitely.

Jericho writes that residents at Rushville are very excited about the survey and are hopeful the data will be passed on to legislators.

Michael requests extra surveys and to be updated on the civil commitment working group's efforts.

Paul requests getting on Black and Pink's mailing list and pen pal list.

Michael requests assistance filing a case against staff members for abuse and assault.

Kenneth asks questions of his pen pal and writes about listening to music. 2 poems are included titled "Lost Forever" and "Don't Let Me Bleed Out" as well as a song titled "Death's Knocking Down Your Door."

2 poems follow a letter about Kenneth's writing which includes plans for a movie script.

Included with this poem is a letter in which Kenneth describes his creative projects including a novel and songwriting.
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